ASA 101: Complete Sailing fundamentals
Class Rate
Member: $468/student Save 10%!
Non-Member: $520/student
Sailing Audit
Member Rate: $340 Save 15%!
Non-Member: $400 Only 1 per class.
Class Schedule & Availability
Click here to view our currently available classes and spots left - and BOOK ONLINE
Or feel free to call us with questions and we can book the class for you as well.
(503) 285-7765
Please take a moment to review our cancellation policy.
We will be scheduling and releasing more class dates as the season starts up so check back frequently for updates!
A S A 1 0 1 B E G I N N I N G S A I L I N G
Learn to skipper a 20' - 27' sloop-rigged keelboat by day, in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards.
Our beginning class provides you with a total of 24 hours of instruction spread across 4 sessions (6-hours per session each day). The standard class runs from 10AM to 4PM - giving you plenty of time to process and review the concepts between sessions.
Study Materials: Upon signing up for your class, you will receive ASA SAILING MADE EASY - TEXTBOOK 101, American Sailing Association's new full color, richly illustrated, 120-page textbook for its basic Level 101 certification. SAIL magazine calls it “The most comprehensive learn to sail book on shelves today.”
Click here to view the full ASA 101 syllabus.
Upon Completion: You will receive the official ASA Logbook signed by your instructor, an official ASA 101 Certification, and a 90-day ASA Membership.

Island Sailing is a fully accredited American Sailing Association school and as such this is a fully certified ASA course.
Therefore upon completion of your course you will be given formal certification from the American Sailing Association. This and all curriculum materials are included in the cost of the class. There are no “add ons” or “additional costs”.
Will i BE able to take a boat out myself after the class?
The American Sailing Association 101 course has been developed with years of experience by a range of top professionals in the sailing and education world contributing to it’s development.
As implemented by The Island Sailing School with our 24 hour format - the course will support you in establishing the foundation of confidence necessary for you to go out and build on as you step into the role of being a skipper and start creating your sailing experiences.
Membership in the club gives you the opportunity to grow and to ensure your success at this initial stage of your development. As an aspiring skipper, it’s important to note that getting “out there” under sail as much and as soon as possible after your class is how you will be able to fully build on the foundation of confidence around “the process of being a skipper” that our ASA 101 course will provide you with.
$520/student (Non Member Rate) - $468/student (Member Rate)
The benefits of becoming a member of the Island Sailing Community not only provide you with an excellent way to really be sailing right after your class but also savings in subsequent classes you choose to take or purchase for family or friends and much more. Membership in the club provides you with the additional value of not paying full public rates for classes. Ask us about joining when you sign up for your class!
We offer an audit rate and encourage "auditing", as this will allow those of you who have a partner or family member or friend to come along for the class to learn as much as they would like without seeking certification.
This is a great way to start sailing together with one person becoming the "certified skipper" and the other getting a great introduction to the learning goals while they ride along! (If considering a family member under 16 years of age please contact us to discuss the possibilities.)
When are your classes scheduled?
Our 101 courses are scheduled on two successive weekends and are six hours per session for a total of 24 hours total instruction time. We also schedule classes during the week.
Each class session runs from 10AM to 4PM - giving you plenty of time to process and review the concepts between sessions.
Where on your site can I book a class?
Due to continued overwhelming demand for our Island Sailing ASA 101 courses we have taken our online booking system down in the interest of being able to be in a conversation directly with you about your specific interests and goals for sailing.
At Island Sailing we always want to ensure that we are focused on your goals first and foremost and that our programs will indeed help you achieve them.
You can check here to see our currently scheduled and available classes and how many spots are available in a given class. This is a live real time reflection of availability and will change based upon sign ups and as we add more classes as the season moves along - so check back frequently!
Then - simply give us a call at Island Sailing Club at (503) 285-7765 or stop by and visit us to learn more about upcoming classes, membership opportunities, and to book a class!